Children Living the Word

Children Living the Word

Students in grades K-3
Sundays during the principal service
Located in the Parish Hall

Children Living the Word is offered every Sunday of the month throughout the school year as an option for families with children in grades K- 3.  Children are always welcome in the main service in the sanctuary, but sometimes kids need their own less-than-adult approach.  Children who choose CLW will be dismissed from the sanctuary in the 10:15 service after the singing of the Gloria.  The aim of CLW is to engage the children in living their faith by participation in activities that help others.  Children have helped with harvesting in the garden, prepared personal care product packages for those in the Central Iowa Shelter, made get well cards for parishioners, baked casseroles for the Salvation Army to distribute to homeless men and women and lots more.  After their CLW time together, children are brought back into the sanctuary to join their families for the remainder of the service at the passing of the Peace.

Contact Heather Preston at 225-2020 or