Our previous services are available to view here.

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The Feast of the Presentation

Holy Eucharist

Saturday, February 1 | 5:00 pm

Sunday, February 2 | 10:15 am

Join us as we begin our journey through Lent with Ash Wednesday liturgies and the Imposition of Ashes.

Childcare will be available at the 7:00 pm service.

Watch the 7:00 pm Service Livestreamed

Ash Wednesday Service Bulletin

Second Offering Partner for February:
Simpson Youth Academy

Simpson Youth Academy is a unique program on the Simpson College campus that allows rising high school juniors and seniors to explore their faith and prepare for college.

They believe that young people have power and gifts that are essential for the healing of the world, not just in the distant future, but now. Grounded in the Christian tradition and utilizing resources from the United Methodist Church, they are an ecumenical community of youth and adult mentors who explore deep faith-related questions and take action, in order to equip youth to live into their callings as agents of peace and justice in the church and world.

To donate, click “donate” below and select Second Offering Partner.

Around Our Diocese:

Sunday Diocesan Services and Opportunities:

Many generous worship communities in our diocese are contributing Sunday services each week. Please feel free to check them out!

Services are also available through the National Church:

Click to visit the Washington National Cathedral