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The 10th Sunday After Pentecost

Celebrating Women in Ministry

Holy Eucharist

Saturday, July 27 | 5:00 pm

Sunday, July 28 | 10:15 am

Join us as we begin our journey through Lent with Ash Wednesday liturgies and the Imposition of Ashes.

Childcare will be available at the 7:00 pm service.

Watch the 7:00 pm Service Livestreamed

Ash Wednesday Service Bulletin

Second Offering Partner for July:
Beloved Community Initiative

Dismantling racism through love in action. Creating justic with dignity and respect. The Beloved Community Initiative for Racial Justice, Healing, and Reconciliation in Iowa, a mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, aims to “grow a community of reconcilers, justice-makers, and healers.” Their work is organized in four major areas: telling the truth, proclaiming the dream of Beloved Community, practicing the Way of Love, and repairing the breach in society and institutions.

Financial support helps them to provide educational programming, create and participate in interfaith gatherings, offer training and pilgrimage opportunities, build community partnerships, offer space for groups, support restorative justice initiatives, and more.

To find out more about the Beloved Community Initiative, its work and how you can be involved, visit: becomingbelovedcommunity.org.

Around Our Diocese:

Sunday Diocesan Services and Opportunities:

Many generous worship communities in our diocese are contributing Sunday services each week. Please feel free to check them out!

Services are also available through the National Church:

Click to visit the Washington National Cathedral