Adult Forum

Each Sunday from 9-10am, we offer an adult education/formation program on the lower level. We try to present short videos or other programming that sparks discussion of spiritual practices, social justice issues, life lessons, Biblical history and lots more. We strive to put the emphasis on discussion among ourselves and make each week accessible to all without the need to have been present the previous week. Contact: Deacon Jeanie Smith.

Bible Study

Bible Study is offered on Thursday mornings from 9:30 – 11am in the Parish Hall. Study topics have ranged from individual books of the Bible (eg Acts of the Apostles, Revelation) to historical figures/saints (eg Paul, Dietrich Bonhoeffer) to topics (eg, what happens to us when we die/who or what is the Holy Spirit). Contact: Deacon Jeanie Smith.

Books, Brew and Banter

Our book group meets weekly on Friday mornings, both via Zoom and in person in the Parish Hall from 10-11:30 am. We alternate between fiction and non-fiction, sometimes secular and sometimes spiritual. Contact: Julie Feirer.

Centering Prayer

The Centering Prayer group meets each Saturday morning at 9 am in Room 133 (Lower Level). Participants engage in the spiritual practices of contemplative prayer and lectio divina. Contact: Tim Goldman.

For Adult Formation questions and opportunities, contact Deacon Jeanie Smith at 515-225-2020 or

Programming Opportunities

Beloved Community has a number of offerings throughout the year, including worship, book groups and Dismantling Racism trainings. To find out more, visit:

The Center for Social Ministry also offers a wide variety of programming focusing on the call for social justice. To learn about upcoming offerings, visit: