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Fourth Sunday in Lent

Holy Eucharist

Saturday, March 29 | 5:00 pm

Sunday, March 30 | 10:15 am

Service Bulletin

Join us as we begin our journey through Lent with Ash Wednesday liturgies and the Imposition of Ashes.

Childcare will be available at the 7:00 pm service.

Watch the 7:00 pm Service Livestreamed

Ash Wednesday Service Bulletin

Second Offering Partner for March:
Women at the Well

Women at the Well is a United Methodist congregation which is located within the walls of the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women, in Mitchellville, Iowa.

We are a diverse community composed of women incarcerated at ICIW, men and women from around the State of Iowa who choose to worship with us, and many volunteers who regularly support our ministries and programs. We gather together to share the teachings of Jesus Christ, and to experience the life transforming Spirit of God.

To learn more about Women at the Well, visit their website: womenatthewellumc.org/

To donate, click “donate” below and select Second Offering Partner.

Around Our Diocese:

Sunday Diocesan Services and Opportunities:

Many generous worship communities in our diocese are contributing Sunday services each week. Please feel free to check them out!

Services are also available through the National Church:

Click to visit the Washington National Cathedral