
The Discovery Class invites participants to explore the worship, history, and teachings of the Episcopal Church as a way of strengthening our spiritual walk with Christ.

This class serves as preparation for those who wish to receive the rite of Confirmation (or Reception for adults who have been confirmed in another tradition), which is the process for becoming a “full-fledged, card-carrying” Episcopalian. Those who participate in the class will have the opportunity to be confirmed or received during the bishop’s annual visit. While the class is required for those planning to be confirmed or received, it is open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Episcopal Church.

Our 2024 Bishop’s Visitation took place on Sunday, April 28. The date of our next visitation will be posted here when it is finalized.

Our next Discovery Class will be scheduled in advance of the bishop’s next visitation, once the date is determined.

If you or your child is interested in attending our Discovery Class, please contact Kyle at