Your generosity enables all of our ministries and mission.
Online giving provides another avenue for you to fund St. Timothy’s ministries and mission through your generous support. Please click on the DONATE button link below to select your designation. Other opportunities include a donation to our Second Sunday offering that designates funds to local organizations that are in need of financial assistance to provide to our community. You may also select funds designated to our Faith & Grace Garden, Altar flowers, or to help pay off the Parish Hall Renovation loan
“…We should love people not only with words and talk, but by our actions and true caring.”
1 John 3:17-18
Our 2nd Sunday Offering partner for August: DMARC
Our Second Offering Partner for August is the Des Moines Area Religious Council. DMARC’s mission is “working together to meet basic human needs for the greater Des Moines community.”
DMARC operates 14 food pantries in the Des Moines metro area. Among these are the West Des Moines Food Pantry, which is the recipient of much of the produce from the Faith and Grace Garden, and the Urbandale Food Pantry, where we deliver many of our Salvation Army casseroles. In addition to these 14 pantries, DMARC has two mobile food pantries. Because DMARC is committed to providing food to 14 partner pantry sites at no cost, they have to rely on support from generous contributors. Financial contributions are used to buy food at wholesale while donated food items are sorted, repackaged and then given to the pantry sites.
To contribute toward your pledge, our 2nd Offering Partner, and more — Please use our PayPal button and select from the dropdown provided.