Whether you are just visiting or looking for a church home, you will find at St. Timothy’s people who welcome you just as you are and who will walk with you on your spiritual journey. We are a community made up of people with a diversity of ages, backgrounds, and interests. What unites us is our identity as Christians and our commitment to serving others as the hands, feet, and voice of Christ in the world.
Our regular weekend services are at 5 p.m. Saturday and 10:15 a.m. Sunday. Our Sunday service is live-streamed on our Youtube channel.
Directions and Parking
St. Timothy’s is located on the corner of 24th and Ashworth. We welcome visitors to park in the circle drive directly in front of the main church doors. There is also ample parking in the lot north of the church. If parking in the north lot, enter through the doors by the playground, head up the stairs, and follow the signs to the sanctuary.
To reach St. Timothy’s from I-235: Take the 22nd/73rd Street exit and go south. At the light, turn right onto Ashworth. Take the second right onto 24th Street.