Genesis II

Location of St. Timothy’s member households:

Church Directory

Our church directory is now available on your phone! Unlike paper directories, the virtual directory is always as close as your mobile device and constantly has the most up-to-date information. Directories can still be printed for those who need them. Only … Read More

Lent & Easter

We are again offering contributions to our Easter Flower Fund for our Easter morning display and deliveries to parishioners. If you would like to memorialize or give thanksgiving for loved ones this Easter, please visit the Donate page on our … Read More


The Discovery Class invites participants to explore the worship, history, and teachings of the Episcopal Church as a way of strengthening our spiritual walk with Christ. This class serves as preparation for those who wish to receive the rite of Confirmation (or … Read More

Advent & Christmas

Advent Lessons and Carols Sunday, December 17 at 10:15 a.m. (no Saturday service on the 16th) On the 3rd Sunday of Advent, we will celebrate with a traditional service of lessons and carols. The service, which alternates between scripture readings … Read More


Vestry Members Serving through 2024 Vestry Members Serving through 2025 Vestry Members Serving through 2026 Lyndy Wells, Treasurer


Worship Services Children in Worship Music Ministries

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