Liturgy & Music

Within our liturgy, many opportunities abound to serve.  We invite you to not only attend our services on the weekends, but become a part of the living, breathing story of our faith.

Opportunities to Serve

Altar Flower Committee

Prepare the altar with flowers for weekend services.

Liturgical Ministers

  • Lectors: read the scripture lessons.
  • Litanists: lead the congregation in the prayers of the people.
  • Chalice Bearers: assist the presider by serving communion wine.
  • Ushers: greet the congregation and visitors as they arrive, distribute service bulletins,collect offerings during the service, record attendance, and attend the pews as the congregation receives communion.
  • Oblation Bearers: bring forward the people’s gifts of bread and wine during the celebration of the Eucharist.
  • St. Martha’s Altar Guild: works diligently behind the scenes to make sure that everything is in place for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The Altar Guild is responsible for the care of the altar linens, polishing silver and brass, “setting the table for communion.

Acolyte Program

Children in third through sixth grade are invited to participate in our acolyte program.  Acolytes help lead our 10:15 AM worship service each Sunday. They light the candles, lead the procession, participate in the Gospel reading and assist the priest in preparing the communion table. Acolyte training takes place in Godly Play each fall and spring.

Music Ministry

We welcome your vocal and instrumental musical gifts. Please consider joining us in making a joyful noise for our Lord.

Parish/Festival Choir
Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 pm
The Parish Choir is open to all singers, meeting weekly to prepare anthems to present during 10:15 am worship services. On occasion, the Parish Choir morphs into the Festival Choir – welcoming additional singers to prepare and present anthems for major festivals during the church year. For the 2012 – 2013 Season, the Festival Choir will sing for All Saints Sunday, Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday/Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday, and Pentecost Sunday.
For more information about St. Timothy’s music program, contact the church office at 225-2020 or


Liturgical Artists

Liturgical Artists use their talents to create functional art used in worship.  Some examples include our wooden pew torches, the green altar frontal, and the youth banner.